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Returned Check or Debit Policy

Returned Checks and Debits are subject to a $30 fee. The amount of the returned check plus the fee must be paid back to our office in CASH ONLY.

Customers cannot pay returned checks or debits with money orders or credit cards.

Customers will be notified by phone, email or pink card left at residence to contact the office about their account.

Once contact is made with the customer, they will be given 2 business days to pay the check or debit amount and the returned check fee in Cash only.   Failure to pay by end of the 2nd business day will result in disconnection of service. For reconnection to occur, the amount of the returned check or debit, plus the $30 returned check fee, plus a $50 reconnection fee must all be paid.

Customers with a history of 2 or more returned checks or debits will be required to pay by cash or money order only going forward.

Customers who are in a payment plan and have a check or debit returned, the payment plan will be voided and $30 fee will be added.  They will be given the same notice and time to pay their account in full (not just the returned payment and fee) as stated above or disconnection order will be issued, and reconnection fee added.

Disputed web payments will follow the same policy as above with the exception that they have to be added back to the customer’s account as if no payment was made with the fee of $30.00 added.

Ordinance 927.09 and Ordinance 927.18 are referred to in creating this policy.

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