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Archives: FAQs

Do I need a zoning permit?

Yes.  Zoning and building permits are two different approvals.  Zoning permits are required for new construction, structural alterations that change the exterior limits of the structure footprint, changes to the number of units in a building, and new business occupancies and uses.  The entire Zoning Code can be viewed via a link at the bottom of … Continued

Do I need a permit to put up a fence around my home?

Yes.  Zoning regulations allow fencing up to 7′ tall to be located in any side or rear yards.  Fencing located in the front yard is restricted to a height of 4′ tall and must be of an ornamental design.  There is no minimum setback from the property line for fencing.  If you need to have … Continued

How do I pay my water/sewer/trash bill?

Users can make payments online or over the phone at 1-855-786-5340. Information from the utility bill is required when using this method of payment. A third-party service fee will apply. Cash, personal check, or money order payments can be submitted by mail or in person at the Municipal Building. Checks should be made payable to … Continued

What is Site Plan Review?

Site plan review is required for all commercial projects that include any changes to the site or changes of use and other projects as listed in Article II of the zoning code.  During the site plan review, projects are reviewed to ensure that they meet zoning and development requirements such as stormwater drainage, the number … Continued

Where can I find floodplain information?

The FEMA website allows you to view FIRM (flood insurance rate maps) online.  Always verify if your property is located within a designated flood zone when planning new construction or substantial improvements to an existing structure.  Additional permits and engineering will be required.

How do I establish service in my name?

The person desiring the service must complete the application for service and present a valid photo I.D. at the time of completing the application. If the application is completed outside the Utility Billing Department, a notary public must verify the information is correct.

How much is an average monthly utility bill?

Water and Sewer charges are based on usage. Refuse, or trash collection, is a flat rate of $21.93 per month for residential customers, effective January 1, 2024. This includes the use of one city provided refuse toter and one city provided recycling toter. Additional city refuse toters are provided at an additional monthly cost of … Continued

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