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Archives: FAQs

My water is discolored. What should I do?

Wait until flushing has subsided in your area then run a cold water tap until the water runs clear. Remember rust colored water is safe, but it may stain laundry. If this happens, keep clothes wet and treat them with stain remover. If you notice the water flushing crew is near your property, refrain from … Continued

How often is hydrant flushing done?

Hydrant flushing is performed two times a year—once in the spring and once in the fall. The work is generally done between 8 am and 2 pm.

Prohibited Materials

The following materials shall not be disposed of, under any circumstances, via roadside trash collection or at the City of Wilmington Landfill; Tires Hot embers Oils Hazardous materials Batteries Appliances containing Freon

Not to be Placed in Toter

The following items shall not be placed in trash toters for regular roadside collection; building/construction material lumber shingles plywood drywall windows toilets bathtubs fencing dirt/rocks paint concrete bricks These items can be disposed of via drop off at the City of Wilmington Landfill during regular business hours. See Bulk Pick Up for instructions on having … Continued


The City of Wilmington will collect mattresses, box springs, and upholstered furniture as part of bulk pick up. These items must be wrapped in plastic and sealed.

Composting & Yardwaste

The City of Wilmington maintains an Ohio EPA regulated Class IV composting site for use by Wilmington residents. Residents may bring yard waste loads containing no other trash or debris to our facility. As part of its service, the City will, also collect roadside; leaves prunings grass clippings weeds These items must be placed in paper … Continued


Small amounts of brush will be picked up as part of the regular yard waste collection service, at no extra charge. Brush and limbs must be cut in no longer than 4′ lengths and bundled tightly with twine. Bundles must be easy for one person to lift and throw into a dump truck. It is … Continued


Carpet collected at curbside must be; Cut and rolled into no longer than 4’ lengths Be no more than 10” in diameter, Wrapped in plastic Tied with twine Sized so one person is able to lift into a dump truck The collection of up to 10 rolls of carpet will be considered one (1) bulk … Continued

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