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Hydrant Flushing FAQ

Hydrant flushing is the quick release of water from fire hydrants. It’s a controlled procedure that
is vital to the general maintenance of the City’s water distribution system. It ensures adequate
water flow is available to fire fighters, residents and businesses. It also improves water quality by
clearing iron and other mineral deposits from the water mains.

Hydrant flushing helps ensure water quality and helps avoid random bouts of rusty water if there
is a high demand for water, caused by a major firefighting effort or water main break.
During the flushing of a hydrant, some customers may notice reduced water pressure and flow.

Sometimes hydrant flushing can make the water temporarily appear rust-colored because the iron
and other mineral deposits in the water mains get stirred up. There is no health hazard associated
with discolored water. Water is safe to use and consume during hydrant flushing, however it may
stain laundry.

The City of Wilmington tests the water both leaving the water plant and throughout the water
system regularly, following U.S. and Ohio Environment Protection Agency protocols. Many
tests are also completed around the clock during the water treatment process.

Sometimes residents who live beyond the limits of the area where hydrant flushing is currently
being performed, may notice rust-colored water. This can occur because the opening of a hydrant
can cause water run in the opposite direction than normal. Water Department personnel use
techniques intended to minimize these impacts.

If the water inside a home or business is turned on while hydrant flushing going on, discolored
water may enter your plumbing. If a neighbor did not use water during day, they most likely will
not notice any discoloration.

Wait until flushing has subsided in your area then run a cold water tap until the water runs clear.
Remember rust colored water is safe, but it may stain laundry. If this happens, keep clothes wet
and treat them with stain remover.
If you notice the water flushing crew is near your property, refrain from using water, and delay
washing clothes as much as possible

Hydrant flushing is performed two times a year—once in the spring and once in the fall. The
work is generally done between 8 am and 2 pm.

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