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Fire Prevention


The Wilmington Fire Department offers fire extinguisher training to citizens in the community, local businesses and employers.  This is a free class that consists of personal instruction along side hands on experience. A small fire is extinguished by each participant at the conclusion of the class.

To schedule a fire extinguisher class, contact the Wilmington Fire Department at (937) 382-2244.

Choosing a Fire Extinguisher

Choosing the proper type of fire extinguisher is an important issue. Using the wrong type of fire extinguisher can be dangerous; in some cases, it can encourage a fire to spread!

When choosing a fire extinguisher, consider the room for which you are purchasing it.  In a kitchen, for example, a grease fire from cooking is likely to occur.

Therefore, you would not want a water-based extinguisher, which would worsen the fire but a dry chemical extinguisher with ABC ratings.

If you have a room with delicate materials you wish to protect such as electronics, you may wish to opt for a CO2 extinguisher which won’t leave a harmful residue.

Essentially, consider two things:1) the material you wish to protect, and 2) the type of extinguishing agent that will be most effective at suppressing the possible type of fire caused by these materials.

We encourage everyone to have at least two fire extinguishers in their home, one near the kitchen and one in the garage.



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