Media Contact: Michael Crowe, Director of Public Service
Fall Leaf Pickup Program to Begin
November 12, 2024
LOCATION – Wilmington, OH
The City of Wilmington will begin its Leaf Pickup Program on Tuesday, November 12, 2024. City workers will begin picking up leaves in the Southwest Quadrant of the City and will proceed clockwise through City neighborhoods. The tentative route for pickup is:
Southwest Quadrant – (South of W. Main St./West of S. South St.) Southridge, Timber Glen, Truesdell
Northwest Quadrant – (North of W. Main St./West of N. South St.) Lakewood, McDermott Village, Wilmington High School
Northeast Quadrant – (North of E. Main St./East of N. South St.) N. Lincoln, N. Walnut, Denver Addition, Rombach Ave.
Southeast Quadrant – (South of E. Main St./East of S. South St.) Wilmington College, Southeast Neighborhood
Leaves should be raked to the edge of the curb (between the curb and sidewalk). DO NOT RAKE LEAVES INTO THE STREET. Leaves in the street contaminate stormwater runoff and block catch basins and cause flooding.
DO NOT PLACE LEAF PILES OVER FIBER BOXES. Fiber boxes are green plastic boxes located in the ground. If leaves are piled over the boxes, the fiber box lids may be removed during collection and damage equipment.
NO BRANCHES, ROCKS, TRASH, OR OTHER DEBRIS SHOULD BE PLACED IN LEAF PILES. Branches and other debris mixed in with the leaves will damage the equipment and will create delays in the collection process.
Please remove all portable basketball rims from the street edge and curb line to expedite the collection process. DO NOT PARK ON LEAF PILES. Please park in the driveway when possible.
The City will make three rounds through each quadrant. The average time in each quadrant is 1-2 weeks, however, timing will vary based on weather conditions and quantity of leaves. Leaves in the alleys will be picked up at the end of the third round. As is common in Ohio, weather does not always cooperate, and delays in pickup may occur.
The most up to date information can be found on the City of Wilmington website at www.wilmingtonohio.gov or contact the Streets Department at (937) 382-6339.
Michael Crowe
Director of Public Service
City of Wilmington
69 N. South Street
Wilmington, OH 45177
W: 937-382-6509